Maitreya Buddha

Laomu, Our Heavenly Mother

Believing in Maitreya is in essence believing in Laomu, the Heavenly Mother. Laomu is the creator of the heavens, the earth and ...

Maitreya's Teachings

Maitreya Buddha, the Buddha of Compassion and his teachings.

Universal Love

The Conscience

Maitreya Buddha

Maitreya is the Buddha of the modern world. Many people recognize Him as the Joyful Buddha, the Buddha of Bless, or the ...


As followers and believers of Maitreya, our practices bring peace and richniess to our lives through cultivation of our body, mind and conscience.

Conscience Prayer

  • The conscience prayer is an important spiritual aspect of cultivation for Maitreya followers. The conscience prayer occurs each day before every meal ...


Having faith in Maitreya is having faith in nature. Humans and nature are one. Having faith in nature is attaining:

The Highest ...

Conscience Repentence

Everyone makes mistakes, but do people recognize their mistakes? It is bad enough for someone to commit wrongdoings, but it is even ...

Altruistic Values

The principle of altruism focuses on having an altruistic heart and altruistic actions.  That is to selflessly benefit others without asking for ...

Compassionate Eating

Currently, global warming is accelerating quickly and the average temperature of the earth continues to rise. The Arctic and Antarctic ice sheets ...